Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Criminalization of Islam in America: What's Really Happening

On September 11, 2010, I had the opportunity to be present at a local mosque during the time of praying that marks the Eid al-Fitr holiday. (Yes, I most certainly went to a mosque on 09/11.) Afterward, leaders in the Muslim community answered any questions non-Muslims wanted to ask them. It probably took a lot of faith to invite non-Muslims into their mosque on such an important Islamic holiday, not knowing what could potentially happen. Let me just tell you - it was SO beautiful. I saw passion and dedication. I saw a group of people who just wanted to clear the air and be absolutely sure there was correct information getting out into the public about their religion. With so much hatred being directed at those who practice Islam, I can see why it must have been important for them to do it.

The push to criminalize Islam in America is an important issue to me partly for the same reason it should be to everyone - it goes against the First Amendment of the Constitution.

First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The Supreme Court (SC) decided this was a good enough reason to protect the right to protest at military funerals (ie: half of the "good work" members at Westboro Baptist Church do). Protesting at funerals is, more than likely, disturbing the peace - not peacefully assembling. The First Amendment does not directly lay down instructions for this, so the SC had to interpret the law.

The FA does, however, lay down specific instruction about religion. It's all in that tiny bit that talks about Congress making no law against an establishment of religion or making a law against practicing any religion. So then how is it feasible to ban Islam?

It's not a stretch to say the legislation currently being pushed is led by the religious right, which only consists of people masquerading as Christians. They get away with it by portraying themselves as holy and everyone else as less-than.

Earlier I said the new bills that are intended to ban Islam bothered me partly because of their inability to gel with the Constitution. The other reason? There are Muslims whom I love dearly. It's just not right to demonize them for what a small group of people masquerading as Muslims did over 10 years ago. (Wait, wait! Did anyone else notice I mentioned TWO groups of people masquerading as members of a religion?)

I'm tired of fake people (see "religious right") ruining our country to make themselves look better. Talk about the Devil being alive and thriving!

American Muslims did nothing to you. Stop the demonization of innocent people!

Rant over.

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