Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 14

Our water came back on today. Due to contamination, we are not allowed to use it. No bathroom breaks. No hand-washing. No showers. The building is starting to smell pretty gross, and it's not because of the plumbing problems.

My suitemates chilled out, at least for now. I never talked to my RA about them today, but if they start acting psycho again tonight, I'll be banging on her door most definitely.

I met someone I really like today. I gave her my number, and I hope she calls.

College life is amazing so far, with the exception of the suitemate issue last night and the plumbing stuff. But there are always bumps in the beginning, right?

Classes start tomorrow, and I cannot wait! This is really exciting and just a tiny bit overwhelming. It's going to be an amazing experience. "Going to be"? I guess it already IS!

I'm off to my floor meeting... so I'll leave you with the blog program.

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Dear Britney Spears,

When I was eight, I equated you with God. You're really skanky and kind of stupid. Your ignorance made my long-lasting awkward years even harder. And yet, I am still guilty of listening to your songs even to this day. SIGH.


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