So in case you haven't noticed, my blog hasn't been updated for about a week. I didn't have access to the internet, and to be honest, I wouldn't have had the time to blog even if I had.
I moved! I'm living on campus now at the University of Memphis, and I love it! I feel like so much stress has been removed from my life, and it is a wonderful feeling! Classes start Monday, and I'm more anxious than afraid. I'll be more than okay. In other words - I got this.
Anyway, I finally figured out how to connect to the internet on campus. This is especially exciting for me because I feel like I've been cut off from the entire world for a week.
I love my pillow! It's long. It's strong. It's... not a Sir Mix-A-Lot song. I mean it, though. I bought what I think is called a body pillow, and it makes me smile that oooh-it's-so-soft smile. All of you should add them to your wishlists!(Remember my shout out to the fabric softener? My box of Bounce Outdoor Fresh is currently making my once gag-inducing closet smell AWESOME. I told y'all it smelled good!) Dorm or not - hell, bed or not - get one!
I was planning on unpacking everything today, and technically, I suppose I did - if you count midnight until 2:30 in the morning. I literally could NOT sleep with all those boxes piled around my room, and my roommate didn't sleep in our room last night... so I decided I would just get up and start working on getting it together. Currently, it's a little messy and could use a little work, but that will come with time.
Today, our water went out and one of the two elevators broke down. The one that ran the entire time is the one that I've been worrying about - it just seems shaky. If this is a sign of what is to come, I'm sure this will be an interesting year full of many different kinds of learning experiences!
The light above my bed has a K-97 sticker on it on which someone wrote Ludacris' name. Obviously, this light was destined to be mine.
My roommate hasn't been here except to move some of her stuff in yesterday, so we haven't gotten to spend any time getting to know each other yet. Judging from our conversations on facebook chat, I think we're going to get along really well. Our suitemates have yet to meet either of us, but from what I've learned from hearing their constant cuss/yell combo, they have already decided they do not like - scratch that - they have already decided they hate us. Also, they're pissed off because I turned the thermostat temperature up to 62 this morning when I couldn't handle their chosen setting of 55 anymore.
I think this is going to be a very good - and very cold - year.
Going back to my blogging program and picking up where I left off, today is day 13.
Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Dear Train,
I love you, and that's really all I can say.
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