Common Ground started tonight! It was so fabulous!
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, Common Ground is a dialogue-to-action program that holds very diverse small group discussions about race. The goal is to discuss race from many different points of view and ultimately do something to improve race relations in the city.
I'm excited for next week's session, and I'm even more excited to see what happens at the end of it.
You'd never guess how liberating it actually is to sit and listen to a stranger say something you think is pretty ridiculous, only to find yourself listening attentively and then POSSIBLY explaining your experiences and feelings about the topic at hand. Well, it's liberating for me anyway. That was my surprise of the evening - being liberated in a situation that would seem to do the exact opposite.
Oh, and Otis Sanford was the guest speaker in my journalism class today! I showcased my huge, nothing-but-teeth, somebody-just-slapped-Herenton smile. I guess you could say I was a little excited about that, too. :)
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
I'm a worrier. I try to avoid situations where I feel like there's a high possibility of failing or of getting hurt. Subconsciously, I am attempting to protect myself. In actuality, I am only hurting myself. I don't set high enough goals and standards for myself because I'm afraid I won't be good enough or do well enough (or whatever) and will end up getting hurt.
I've been working on that, and it's coming along nicely. It's a process. It won't happen overnight. The point is that it IS happening. I'm getting there.
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