The hypocritical extremists did not return to campus today, and there wasn't a whole lot of noise around here - except for several thousand exasperated sighs of relief.
Classes are settling in, and I have learned something about myself: I take good notes. The problem is, my notes are a little ADHD, and they jump around here and there and here again. I'm going to spend some time this weekend getting a little more organized.
I'm still freezing in my room, and I've decided that I should set a few temperature-related goals: 1) Live through the bitter cold during the school year. 2) Sleep naked outside in the snow on a mountain in another hemisphere over summer break. In case y'all were wondering, goal 1 is a prerequisite for goal 2. But I'm pretty sure it could work the other way around, too.
Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
I always knew our government was heavily-flawed, but after reading Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird in middle school, I guess I came to understand that lack of support for minority groups from elected officials has always been a problem and most likely always will be. The only difference is, it's a different minority group each time.
I read about the crazies in the school paper the next day. Apparently I missed the whole show. That's what I get for hanging around the business college all day. :)