Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 19 Brings Yet Another Blog Post... Shocking, I Know!

Let's get the blog program out of the way, shall we?

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

I believe in God and in all paths to God. I'm not really religious. I was raised a Christian, and every once in a while I enjoy going to visit a random church. I think my facebook section for religious views is a great description in the form of a quote: "I'm not religious, but I like God and he likes me." [Tony Kushner]

Politically, you can call me Liberal.

I feel like people expect more from me than other people my age - always have and always will. I know I'm different. Honestly, how could I not? People have been shoving it in my face for 18 years. I couldn't for the life of me tell you HOW I'm different - all I know is that people seem to think I am, and they end up expecting more of me and from me because of it.

Sometimes it's nice to know that people see me as competent, smart... whatever, but other times, it just sucks. I get pointed out in situations where I am [according to rules put in place FOR THIS VERY REASON] supposed to simply fit in and be one of the youth.

Even though it upsets me on occasion, I know good and well that I better get used to it. For the rest of my life, people will expect more from me. I want to become a columnist for the newspaper. I'm sacrificing every single one of my I-don't-feel-goods and my just-treat-me-like-everyone-elses for something I care about so much more than that - educating people about what's going on in the world around them.

In other news, I am SO excited to finally announce this piece of news on my blog: I'm the guest columnist in The Commercial Appeal tomorrow!!! Dream = coming true, y'all... really! I cannot wait to see it. :) GO BUY A FREAKIN' PAPER!!

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