Sunday, September 5, 2010

Today Was Just Pure Insanity - Day 20

Wow! So today was random and crazy!

I was thrilled because my article was in the paper, obviously. Outside of that, I shot an engagement session with my friends, Lorie and Michael. We had a LOT of fun, and I can't wait to let them see their pictures!

On the way to the park where I met up with L & M, I passed a car accident and saw EMTs putting someone into a body bag.

After the shoot, I stopped to get gas at a gas station right by campus. While I was inside paying for my gas, a lady robbed the place and got away with a bunch of beer.

Crazy, right?

In the midst of all this, I was dealing with the one major setback of putting yourself out there - horrible, rude, ugly criticism. Not surprisingly, the only person who said anything bad about my article that I am personally aware of is someone from my biological family.

To be honest with y'all, I'm just a little bit glad that she decided to make a total ass out of herself. I've been wanting to write her off completely for a little while now, but I was trying to be nice and give her another chance, even after she has said terrible things to me, about me, and about other innocent people both in person and on facebook many times. [I think I really need to stop giving SO many chances after the second and definitely the third because this is getting ridiculous.] Anyway, she doesn't know me at all - I MIGHT see her once a year for a couple of hours - so losing her is not a problem for me. It's ESPECIALLY fine when you consider that she's a rude/close-minded/bigoted/racist JERK of a human being. And I would have said that even before today. Like I said, this event has been a long time coming.

I'm happy with the way things are going. Every single time I eliminate another hateful person from my life, it gets so much better!

Also, I'm planning on taking some much-needed advice I received from one of my favorite people - my girl, Wendi. She told me I needed to chill and stop stressing out over everything, and she's totally right, y'all. I'm ALWAYS worried about something or afraid something won't go well or whatever. I need to take a breath and just let whatever happens happen.

Did I mention that, every single time I add someone like her to my life, it gets even better than when I subtract the crazies? Shout out to you, Wendi - you're a wonderful friend and person in general. Girl, I hope you know I love you. Thanks for always helping a sister out!

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.

I am pro-lowering the drinking age back down to 18. To be honest, I'm not sure where I stand completely on drugs. I'm pro-medicinal use, and undecided otherwise. If I ever decide to make up my mind, it'll be a while from now.

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